Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Writing Prompts for Young Goodman Brown

You need only select one prompt to expand upon. Or if there is an area you want to write about not covered below, please feel free to blog those thoughts. What I want as an instructor is to see students struggle with "meaning-making" of the text.
1. How does Hawthorne use symbolism in his piece? Like “Lois,” there is significance in naming. Why does he use the names he does? What symbolism is associated with the surroundings/setting? . . . the forest, for example?
2. How is the allegorical? What statement does Hawthorne appear to be making with his allegorical tale about human nature?
3. What role does the guide play? Who does he look like? And why? How does the guide convince him to keep going? And who does he see along the way? What significance is placed on these people?
4. How does Brown break the spell? Or does he? Why does he stress that Faith should resist evil but not himself? Do you see any Biblical parallels?
5. How is the tale similar or different then “Lois the Witch”? You can refer to events or even narrating and writing techniques (who are the narrators of the tales?), character development, symbolism, allegorical message, social critiques, etc.

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